torsdag den 14. januar 2010


Having a discussion with someone, who sees Islam as the only right way, is not possible.
Having a discussion with someone, who sees Christianity as the only right way, is not possible.
Having a discussion with someone, who sees Buddhism as the only right way, is not possible.
Having a discussion with someone, who sees Sufism, Judaism, Hinduism as the only right way, is not possible.
Having a discussion with someone, who sees Capitalism as the only right way, is not possible.
Having a discussion with someone, who sees Liberalism, Socialism, Sex as the only right way, is not possible.
Having a discussion with someone, who sees Ecology as the only right way, is not possible.
Having a discussion with someone, who sees Family as the only right way, is not possible.
Having a discussion with someone, who sees Class Division as the only right way, is not possible.
Having a discussion with someone, who sees Personal Empowerment as the only right way, is not possible.
Having a discussion with someone, who sees One Nation, One Education as the only right way, is not possible.
Having a discussion with someone, who sees Automobilism, Two-wheelerism or Pedestrianism as the only right way, is not possible.
Having a discussion with someone, who sees Self-caught Food or Vaccuum Packing as the only right way, is not possible.
Having a discussion with someone, who sees Love as the only right way, is not possible. Or Aggression for that matter too.
Having a discussion with someone, who sees the Way of the Warrior or the Healer as the only right way, is not possible.
Having a discussion with someone, who sees him or herself as the only right way, is not possible, full stop.

Having a discussion with someone, who sees Discussion as the only way and unity as the only result, is not possible, so what do I do?

What do I do, when I cannot talk my way to terms of being here, both of us?
Do I sleep badly at night from fear or anger? Do I ignore them?
Do I take their unwillingness as a threat in itself? Do I try to understand them, embrace them, become the one to create the space inside of me and my world for those, who have no room for me?

Am I the warrior just waiting for the cup to be filled, or the healer, whose cup never runneth over?
Or am I the Man in the middle, endlessly pondering which of the two I actually ought to be, now, right now!?

Having a discussion with someone, who sees Faith as the only way. Not possible.
Having a discussion with someone, who sees Doubt as the only way. Not possible.
Having a discussion with someone, who has all bases covered, just isn't possible.

There is only one way.

Find it yourself.

1 kommentar:

Holger Anderson sagde ...

Godt digt, om end lidt spækket med gentagelser. Men det er vel meningen med systemdigtningen.
Rigtig god titel også - men den ville være endnu bedre hvis den var stavet rigtigt: The Initiator of a Hug Gets to Let Go, er den korrekte stavemåde. Ikke at jeg skal sige mig hellig for stavefejl, men synes lige jeg ville pege det ud.
Da du når ned til digtets hovedspørgsmål, er der også nogle formuleringer, du burde tilse: What do I do when I cannot talk my way to terms of being here, both of us?
Lyder for mig at se, som en fordanskning der er gået galt. Both of us, bliver limet på spørgsmål og gør det kluntet i mine øjne.
Verset efter virker også mystisk.
Læser (og det er mig), ender mere forvirret end belært om den rigtige vej, og hvem der får lov til at gi slip på knuset først.
Håber det kan bruges,
Mvh. Holger